Since it's one of the places people spend the most time, one of the most satisfying home makeovers is the main bedroom. Here are three ideas for creating a dynamic new main bedroom space:
The Passion Boudoir
French Door Refrigerators
The French have always led the world in designing sexy bedrooms, and now homemakers all over the world have followed their lead and begun decorating their bedrooms for sex and sensuality.
Use emotionally moving colors that will enhance your charm and sensuousness. Be daring; use bold colors. Examples of seductive colors are rouge or lipstick reds, creamy peaches, and subtle pink tones.
Prints such as animals or florals can advise exotic locales, and mirrors settled in unusual places can reflect seductive candlelight. Tropic plants add mystery, and dressing tables filled with feminine accessories and intimate objects create a romantic mood.
The Reading Room
For many people, the bedroom is a place to lounge and read a good book. If you're one of those people, you'll want to create a space that will enhance your reading pleasure. For instance, adding padded headboards will make it easy to vocalize permissible posture while reading.
When painting your reading room, select soft colors that reflect light without glare and also keep peaceful feelings. Good colors choices would be old world ivory, antique amber, sage green, or slate blue.
Soft, pliable pillows, luxurious Afghans or throws, paintings featuring wide-ranging vistas, and mirrors will promote inexpressive reflection and add feelings of indulgence. A comfortable lounge chair with a floor lamp and tea table also work great in a reading room.
Be sure to provide enough light for reading, which can be done without having to flood the room with harsh reading lights. You can enhance the broad light by placing softer lighting throughout the room.
The inexpressive Sanctuary
This type of bedroom, designed to create a place where you retreat from the world and unwind, provides total privacy. Display photos of friends, family, and places you love. Also display meaningful mementos and souvenirs to remind you of happy times, but don't go overboard and clutter your calming serenity. Exchanging these personal keepsakes often with ones in warehouse helps counter the clutter and gives added importance when next viewed.
Colors that work well in inexpressive sanctuaries consist of navy or cobalt blues, deep chocolates, and forest greens. Darker colors create a womb or cave like feeling and aid deep sleep.
A writing desk, small refrigerator, and television all conduce to the feeling of being able to shut out the world and luxuriate in your own inexpressive space, without interruption.
You spend a great deal of time in your bedroom, so no matter what type of feeling you're trying to create, remodeling your main bedroom to reflect your lifestyle is one of the best projects to undertake.
Copyright c. 2004 by Jeanette J. Fisher. All possession reserved.
Three Great Concepts for Remodeling a devotee Bedroom
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